Are you in need of a personal loan or short-term loan to cover a certain financial emergency, Atlas Finance Personal Loan can give you the help you need, if you wanna pay your rent, school fees or electrical bill this credit product can definitely help you accomplish your goal.
Atlas Finance offers personal loans that start from minimum of R500 up to R8000 and the repayment term for every loan amount is between 1 month up to 6 months, Atlas Finance also has competitive interest rates for their loans and it starts from 36% APR up to 60% APR and loan offers will be determined by your credit history or score.
Eligibility Requirements of Atlas Finance Personal Loan
The following requirements must be met before applying for the credit product:
- Must be South African citizen
- 18 years or older
- Employed or Self-employed
- Have an active bank account
Required Documents for Atlas Finance Personal Loan
The following documents will be required by Atlas Finance when applying for a loan whether online or on the branch:
- Valid South African ID card/document or Passport
- Latest Payslip
- Latest 3 months bank statement
Benefits of Atlas Finance Personal Loan
Here are the benefits offered by Atlas Finance when you qualify for their Personal Loan:
- Funeral Cover
- Grocery Coupon
- Medical Cover and HIV Counselling
- Legal Advice
- Ambulance Benefits
- Loan Cover: if you are in an event of retirement, retrenchment, disability or death
Where Can I Apply for the Personal Loan
When you meet the eligibility requirements and you have all the documents needed you apply on the Atlas Finance website or you can visit any branch close to you.
Contact Details
Wanna get in touch with Atlas Finance to get more information on the personal loan you can simply use the following details:
- Email Address:
- Customer Care Number: 0800 204 679
Access more personal loans by clicking here.